Ersatz – Ohrpolster aus Velours für Fostex T50RP

Dekoni Audio Elite Velour – Ersatz Ohrpolster aus Velours fürFostex T20rp, T40RP, T50RP, T50RP MK2, T50RP MK3


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Dekoni Audio has created a pad for the Fostex T50RP Headphone. The T50RP is a popular model to modify and by bringing this pad to market Dekoni is creating perhaps the easiest and most effective mod you can have for this venerable headphone. This new pad fits both the T50RP mkii and the new MKIII model as well as the T20 and T40 RP headphones. Dekoni Audio’s line offers the best in both comfort and quality. THese pads are a modders dream come true, and make upgrading your T50’s simple. These pads also ship as the extra set of pads with all Dekoni Blue Headphones in the box.
These pads fit:
Fostex T20rp, T40RP, T50RP, T50RP MK2, T50RP MK3, Dekoni Blue and many more

Dekoni Audio spent a lot of time designing and refining this ear pad to be the most comfortable and best sounding velour ear pads available today. This velour material is not quite alcantara but not the typical velour you find on other ear pads. This velour is softer and more breathable while still acting like a traditional protein leather in the way it doesn’t absorb all the low end you lose to most velour ear pads. By using a tighter velour Dekoni has managed to make the ear pad react more like a traditional leather or protein leather ear pad in that you don’t lose the bass frequencies or the isolation as seen with most velour ear pads. It still retains the comfort and coolness of velour. Paired with the slow rebound, high density memory foam Dekoni is famous for they have created possibly the ultimate velour ear pads on the market today. What sets Dekoni apart from the herd is they tune every pad they make to specific headphones so you know you’re getting an upgrade and not just a replacement.
Available in:
Elite Sheepskin
Elite Velour
Platinum Protein

Kopfhörer Marke

Kopfhörer Bezeichnung

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